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Image by Bill Oxford
Image by Shelley Pauls

Strategic planning


Does your current strategic plan sit on the shelf, only to come out when it is time to update it?  Connexus Strategic Solutions can help you and your team design a plan with goals, objectives action steps and measurements that align with your agency's mission and vision -- a strategic plan and implementation design that inspire action and support engagement.




Cross-sector and inter-agency programs


The challenges before us are too complex, and deeply rooted in our systems, for any one agency to address on its own. We have spent our career working at the intersection -- helping different departments, different agencies, and different sectors find shared purpose and ways to move forward together. The team at Connexus Strategic Solutions has more than 20 years of experience in public health, health care, human services and education helping agencies make collective impact on grant program goals, population-specific programs,  data sharing and governance.




Image by Patrick Perkins

Program design and evaluation

From developing a plan to meet grant requirements to organizational-wide change, we can help you design realistic plans that meet goals, are easy to evaluated, and make a difference for your communities.


Revewing Graphs

Data design and management


Data can be intimidating, confusing or just plain messy. But when data collection becomes part of your regular workflow, and is designed to measure something meaningful, its value becomes more obvious. Connexus can help you uncover the value of the data you have, as well as find practical ways of gathering new data, by expanding your own data collection and analysis or partnering with like-minded agencies.

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Schedule a consultation to discuss your needs

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