We consult with public health, health care, human service and education agencies as well as coalitions.
Let's connect!
Cross-sector and
inter-agency programs
The challenges before us are too complex and deeply rooted for any one agency to address alone. We believe that solutions lie not with any one person or agency, but at the intersection of different people, perspectives, and sectors. We have spent our career helping multi-agency coalitions find shared purpose and collective impact. Connexus will help you uncover all you can do together and help you get it done.
Especially interested in working with other agencies to address inequities? Check out our services related to Equity and Strategic Design and Implementation.

Strategic Equity Design, Planning and Implementation
The principles of equity are not only fundamental to addressing our most critical and pressing challenges, they also represent some of the smartest and best practices in program and strategy design. Connexus can help you center equity in all your programs and in your internal operations.
Program Design and Evaluation
Whether your needs range from meeting grant requirements or deploying organization-wide change, we can help you design realistic programs that achieve goals, are easily evaluated, and make a difference in your communities. Connexus Strategic Solutions can help you identify goals, objectives, action steps, and metrics that align with your agency's mission and vision.

Data Alignment
Spending time on data can be frustrating, especially when it doesn't answer the questions you really need answered. But when data collection becomes part of your regular workflow and measures something relevant, its value becomes more clear. Connexus shows you how to uncover the value of the data you have, expand equity through data alignment, and discover workable ways to expand your data resources by partnering with like-minded agencies.